Frequently asked questions

Where do we deliver our products?
We currently ship exclusively within England. However, we're actively working on expanding our delivery areas to meet the needs of all our customers in the future.

How long does delivery take?
Our car vacuum cleaners are shipped within an average of 48 hours. Delivery to your home typically takes between 5 to 7 working days. Please be aware that delivery times may vary depending on the time of year.

Are payments secure?
Absolutely. We use Stripe as our payment platform, ensuring all your transactions are secure. Stripe is renowned for its high level of security and data protection.

Is there a delivery charge?
We offer two delivery options to better meet your needs:

  • A standard delivery option which is free of charge.
  • A priority premium delivery option for a fee of 2.50€. Orders with premium delivery are processed and dispatched more swiftly, as they are prioritised in our shipping process.

We're committed to providing you with flexible delivery options tailored to your needs, ensuring you receive your car vacuum in the best possible condition.

How long does the Glarix vacuum battery last on continuous use?
The Glarix vacuum battery provides up to 20 minutes of continuous use on a single charge, allowing you to clean the entire interior of your car without interruption.

What kind of debris can I clean with the Glarix vacuum?
Our vacuum is engineered to efficiently remove all types of debris, from crumbs and pet hair to dirt and leaves, thanks to its powerful suction and versatile accessories.

Is the Glarix vacuum suitable for vehicles of all sizes?
Yes, with its compact design and versatile accessories, the Glarix vacuum is ideally suited for cleaning vehicles of any size, from compact cars to SUVs and vans.

Does the Glarix vacuum come with a warranty?
Yes, we offer a 30-day money-back satisfaction guarantee.

If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'll take the time to address all your queries at